Friendships in the time of Marilyn Monroe we laughed and hung out yet the war was raging and we did have ET spies thought they promoted almost exclusively good cheer to us all to be happy and to love our lives in USA during WWII. This time now on Earth it is odd we see the ones who are visionaries and are gifted wanting to dance onstage, to make us all thrilled, to laugh to cry and to be and then they are stunned numbed by wars in the skies and are not there they are then strategy and are not themselves as they aim to survive to hit the bottom line and then we cry for our friends who are lost to this demise. They hold dear in their souls the cherished little fire of inspiration to have a smile for a friend, good will, good cheer, something inspiring created to share and where are they in those traumatized brains made to get up to go to function to not be victims to be like a machine of denial anything is wrong? So they heal without the same deep look into the eyes and knowing in the stillness of the galaxy felt all around us. Some andromedans are this desperate: Their mothers come in the house that had a small war there the young man swept, broken plants under the furniture, hid the nude girlfriend in the closet oh yes tht is on Earth, threw out the dinner that fell all over the carpet and mom's home. That is how stressed they are at times in the skies so we are like dolls reprimanded, sat down put to the talks while they palpitate above us during wars they know deeply are not correct for the awakening masses my eye witness of them they are not used to the revelation by humans it is new it is called they came here for this rub for evolution so the su su of the jerk is not going to help them this time in a humans mind who sent them. That has been Earth. I say to everyone get it out yell scream talk about it all, 'hi I'm blue skinned what the fuck is wrong with you afraid of me because I'm a large man? You were larger than me up to 100 feet tall long ago where the hell are you reincarnated in there? My brother is scaring you?! Tell him to fuck off! ' Is more the type of conversions we need to have. If they re non participatory scared of us awake because its easier running us that is the project child of the andromedans flying to rearrange them not me I told them.
In love with the authentic. Authentic coffee, food, perfume, good hair dye job , shirt it is us feeling our way into gratitude were still alive at times that is OK don't abuse us to shop us to death. We are vulnerable or sociopath, violent people possibly emerging if you break this in us I've seen it in humanity we need to keep the cherish your life sentiment or we're fucked up.
So in the biological matrix of humanity where we miss one another for it is vulnerable to threat so we emerge then hide like some ground hog. The dead are tiny and have tiny conversations sped up ridiculously in hyperspace they re like buzzing bees in the ear. Yeah I knew all for this for years they lie I'm stupid maybe that is why it's in the Marilyn pages. Her they wanted to get rid of reincarnate then its the new on shes gone. I said no way I'd recreate her shes the quiet shy lover of deeply moving songs, words pictures perfume is me I love that in me. I'm less emotional this life but I still see and feel as much as I did more than that life even for artistic crafting of great movies and writing.
So I want the andromedan men to remember near the ocean they sing they are over god here us gods to revere us awakening not worrying it is harder to control but more satisfying. Yes when you blue people are scared too don't be the strategy machine get away from stress go sit with a flower look at it touch it tenderly look at our sun that still shines and re group your mind to sanity please. Blue lovers of great depth of observation also they are. The Earth is like a psyche ward every day all over the place we have to heal our minds all day long not to lose it so that is why many don't need to go into one actually for they live already in constant mind management not to crack covering everything up as told so when they get to talk never swing the grid so they can't so their hearts go not good not good be unafraid and dive into evolution. I grew my gardens without manure I prefer it that way no methane smell.
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