Tuesday, 18 October 2016


Will anyone understand this?  In the morning when the sun is shining in through the window there is light then hitting a white table cloth, fresh oranges, coffee, freshly baked goods, eggs and the day begins with a joyousness of sustenance of both the light arising from within greeting the day by the light of the warm sun and the food on the table.  So innocence of an entity nourished so and set forth into the world is a simplicity of clean intent to accomplish great things in that day.   Stardom is a difficult thing a difficult state to be in if we lose the starlight within because it gets us through moments of chaos, demands and nerve wracking auditions to shine on camera to bring to people joy and inspiration from our movies and to know we have done something remarkable in say a scene where you run after a child and its mother and return a little glove; they smile and the moment is captured for thousands to see. 

 Usually light hitting a child's face under trees is seen by those witnessing the moment and in film we have cinematography that captures art as if it is life for us to remember the passing of such exquisite moments.  It is part of the adoration of film making the capturing of magnificence on film that thrills performers and movie goers who see this artistry on the large cinematic screen as grand movies open and fill the theaters.  So are my memories from the life of Marilyn Monroe on movie making and I love the film industry to this day for its cinematic artistry for us to enjoy.

Remember to eat your breakfast:)  You may look really good in this life too!

Marilyn Monroe in this life.

Now I was having this day where I was writing another film Amnesia; the Rebellion of the 1970's.  Then I finished a scene and wanted to paint.  The andromedans said, 'why not paint a cat?  It would be hilarious!  You could say, this is my new cat and hang it!'  I said, 'why not!'  So I proceeded to paint this glamorous cat which looks like Marie Antoinette's pet cat (my past life so I called this art piece that name by the way; Marie Antoinette's Cat) so it's  a wild cat all decked out for the Oscars with perfume and shampoo bubbles still going; a true Marilyn Monroe art piece! What can I say?  The entity consciousness of her was still all fired up in the brain after writing a piece set in the 1970's and added that life's silly humor and style to the painting!  It is called retro chic modern art and writing by an exciting ascended master who can call forth any past reincarnations and write from them and is there fore in the future not in someone else's past for she refuses to do that for anyone me here because the old show time for Marilyn  Monroe space craft with andromedans on it ran for me and my films not  anyone else.  So the writing and knowledge archive from it is mine no one else's and its provable because it is in my brain this life remembered no one else's.  For no one else wrote the blog here or any Marilyn Monroe information. 

Marie Antoinette's Cat

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