Monday, 8 August 2016


Well finally people are accepting something I brought up a while back that Marilyn Monroe is back in a new incarnation and has a great new life; Aryana.  What is she doing?  Writing for Hollywood countless movies that will be released over the next few years.  Hey its me here I was popping bubbles till finally people got it I'm no others in case you run into any claiming to be her.  Even my soul mate reincarnated James Dean he's my son.  More on him later if he makes it to his BFA in film making to LA and he should because he looks and sounds like him as well. Now don't ask about him any more he's not really around much right now for snoopy questions. Snoops!  I tell you its all been so snoopish! 

Marilyn Monroe I pen author under for the movies I write. Is this controversial??  Well that sell stuff so probably if it is I would not worry about it. I'm similar to her this life I speak like her except I have straight shiny long hair my dream come true and no freckles gold eyes instead of blue and a very similar height and build. Same sense of humor I have this life... in case you cannot tell... what is wrong with you?  If so rent some of her movies you'll snap out of it.

My soulmate is the same hilarious.  Never mind about him right now we have to get you to school kid first!  Now back to the topic here discussed for you readers who are participating in this astounding reality.

I wrote a movie called Cloud 9 And a Slice of Cheese because this reality is so bizarre some days that that movie was the answer. What is it about?  Well I will cover that on one of the hangouts I'm doing on the films it is information from the author however this I will say, there are dead grey aliens dropping from the sky all over town in the most inopportune places and a key character in it a poor man in a wheel chair has opened a secret museum with artifacts of grey aliens in it only by special invitation can you even get in to see this joint.  Much more awaits in this original non surprisingly non Roswell movie set in of all places Los Angeles. A very hilarious film with research on real mob activity however included in the wild story line full of twists and turns.

What is it like to be a screen writer?  A total wild experience my god I feel like a producer because we also write casting pages for casting break downs so that means you have to see the whole thing, what stars do I want for it potentially that may be a good fit for the roles?   What is the look of the film?  Cinematography how do the descriptives flow? What scene cuts the directors might do is even a consideration for it is a huge collaborative effort so I do my best to provide the highest quality scripts possible with the most potential for successful wide release in the market place.  It is not easy to write for film and TV my back ground of both the past life as Marilyn Monroe both acting and producing; Marilyn Monroe Productions was just getting off the ground really back then and in this life experience on film sets acting and my study of English in college helped immensely to be able to write in this life.  Lots of Education!  We usually study for our skills to be honed to the best of our ability also to be a success.   So yes I have the perfect skill set to be a screen writer and my soul mate kid son was also in the business he was not some accountant or janitorial service where he did flex creative muscle also which compliments my mind as well. My daughter inspired characters in two movies Astrid about the Queen of Belgium her past life and Wanda in Illuminated Rain which answers cupcake questions about Jessica a mythical girl who is my daughter talked about in rumors.  Mysterious blue roses are also featured in this fantasy film that lead to a place of hyperspace information. 

Writing for film and TV in this life time I find I use her a lot Marilyn Monroe that entity consciousness archive for we are a total make up of all the entity consciousness from all our previous incarnations.  My similarity in this life my face and smile and way of speaking means my brain is very similar to the previous one so I find it is a natural extension of the film world for me to write.  I did write a couple of roles for myself Marilyn Monroe in the film by the same name which is a surreal picture with a concept never done before I will talk about on hangouts. Another I wrote is in a film called Illuminated Rain; a fantasy movie set in Enchanted Forest and castle where a model of how hyperspace works is built for kids understanding and family. We will see if I show up there as well.

One problem I don't have at all is that only work with the best people so it is never a problem if B string is left out of things I do a lot for I value my time and contribution to any craft I embark upon and I believe they all know that already and adore me and my films so I don't have this problem.  What does that mean for audiences? Well the movies I wrote are the best of the best as far as writing goes and I attract the best in Hollywood so you will all get your money's worth when you see my films. One secret ingredient is this life time yeah the new Goddess writing in her new body I was a great healer for many years and know how to see into the body and the program an entity has and what is going on in his or her life so can you imagine character development in my writing??   Story lines in sci - fi and adventure, drama?  They are out of this world and will be remembered and rented after the pictures close from the big theaters and people will bring them home still freaking over how good they are.  Whole sets we will have for sale after wide release. 

Marilyn Monroe in that life I had a very big love of modernism and in this life also.  I had a love of literature and intellectuals were some of my my most interesting friends; well read people who were cosmopolitan.  Huge research goes into my films in areas of history, art, sciences, culture, politics many themes are present in their story lines.  

Supernatural phenomenon abilities from my study and practice of energy science accompanies this current incarnation allowing me to access my Marilyn Monroe archive easily for my work, other past lives and remote view.  On my other blog more of that story is written for the public.

I hope you enjoy my offerings and more will be posted as I am inspired to write here as Marilyn Monroe entity consciousness fully awake in this present incarnation. 

For new movies by Marilyn Starlight Hollywood executives may visit my profile on IMDb Pro.

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